Sometimes collage is a matter of black and white. A balance of contrasts, light and shade. Add an occasional pop of colour to brighten the senses.
All images are copyright © CLINTON GORST 2023. Please do not use without permission.

sucked in
A dystopian view of the future, where colour has been eliminated, along with all sign of life. Large modernist buildings spike the surface, while a lonely astronaut is floating in the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, about to be sucked into a black hole.

confetti palais
Contrasts of jet black and bright white, here the light source is like confetti streaming down on the square below.

turn on the bright lights
The bright ceiling lights have been switched on by the technician on the elevator, flooding the city square with artificial light.

brutalist bunker
A monochrome study of dimension and scale. The vast flat Brutalist concrete bunker expands out ahead, while grand stairs lead you up towards the cosmic ground level.

brutal beach, skater's paradise

brave new world
Both these monochrome skateboards were made for two Melbourne shows in different years – For The Deckade, skateboard as art form.

hotel blackstar
This collage visualises the interior of a hotel on a star, floating in space. The fortunate people contained inside are at leisure, having fled from a doomed planet. Two figures look out into the unsettling blackness.

the complex
One of Gorst's first collages to incorporate several building parts to make a new architectural complex. This piece was created for a group show in Berlin.

home base is a lonely place

back to the future
The time-travelling tunnel, where spaceships can pass through time, forwards or backwards. Here, back to a Victorian scene.

Memory, nostalgia, the bittersweet echo of passing time. A life passed, a life remembered, a past life imagined.

in another universe
This photomontage is about memory and nostalgia. Cinematic and romantic, places been and seen, a love won and lost. The original hand cut collage was created specially for Bare Bones exhibition at AIRspace Gallery, as a response to the poems of JR Waen.

the affair
The private affairs of three same-sex couples, are being exposed and photographed by the paparazzi, in this vintage monochrome world.

twin models
Reversing the confidence of the twin models, by placing them in front of a large crowd arena they are exposed literally and figuratively.

king kong elvis
Giant Elvis towers above a vintage Manhattan, captive in hand, he can't help doing his signature move. Made exclusively for Incognito charity art show 2023.

fleur A paris (upstairs)

fleur A paris (downstairs)
Originally conceived as a Mother's Day card, Upstairs was the cover, and Downstairs the inside image. Inspired a range of artworks with a pop of floral brights against monochrome images.